Birdland Money Updated Cheats

Birdland Money Latest Cheat Hack


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

Here are Steps to follow:

First Steps, create a cheat facebook account.

Second Steps , on the cheat account, become friends with yourself

Third Steps make a bird land accound on the cheat account.

fourth Steps copy and paste this into your browser:

this will send you the best gift, to yourself.

fifth Steps send as much as possiple to yourself. it will say that you have use up request when you have

sixth Steps return to your regular account, and accept all the gifts.

seventh Steps sell all of them for about 10,000 gold :)

there used to be a gifted alien ship, but they took it off :( it was 3000 for one. i now have 500,000 on birdland :)

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.