Tower of Babel Updated Cheats

Tower of Babel Money Latest Cheats
Tools needed:
* firefox
* Charles Web Proxy Debugger download here
*Charles firefox addon download here

1. Open Game Tower of Babel
2. Open Charles
3. Now Click the Bonus Coin or Go to your Friend and earn some Coin
4. Go back in Charles, expand the ""
5. Now Right Click the 3 "?c=guest&a=checkOut"
6. Iteration : 100000 | Concurrency | 5
7. Wait for 5 to 10 min then Refresh the game to see the result

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.

Icy Tower Updated Cheats

Icy Tower Coin and Trophy Latest Cheats
Tools needed:
* firefox
*flash 9 Download here)
* Charles Web Proxy Debugger
Download Link:

Here then the Steps to follow:

1. Open Charles. Make sure it's recording sessions in firefox
2. Go into Icy Tower. Click to play. (link)
3. Play any tower, get a few coins and save the game. (it will auto save when you lose the game)
4. Now look in Charles for these lines:
' or'
5. Expand the folder inside and search for the line "put_results.php"
6. Right click this line and select "Repeat Advanced"
7. As usual, 100000 for iterations and 5 for concurrency
8. After game refresh, you will get lots of coins and trophies. Happy Cheating!

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Cafe World Updated Cheats VERSION 2

Cafe World Money Latest Cheats
Tools needed:
* firefox
*flash (9 Download here)
* Charles Web Proxy Debugger
Download Link:

Follow the steps exactly or it will not work.
Note: You will need DRINKS gifts in the account for this cheat to work. Use another account or beg your friends to send you Free Gifts -> any drinks.

Here then the steps to follow:

1. Go to Cafe World.

2. Visit Neighbour and gain some Experience and Money.

3.Return back to café.

4. Go back to Charles Web Debugging Proxy. You will be able to see "" or ""

5. Open folder [current] then [lib] then [amfphp]

6. Click on the 'gateway.php(YoCafeRemote.saveData)'.

7. Click on "Request" tab.

8. In the screen, you can find the line "friendMission". This is the right gateway.php.

9. Right click the "gateway.php" and choose "Repeat Advance"

10. Enter Iterations: 100000. Enter Concurrency: 5. Click Ok.

11. Let the Charles tool run. When the session complete the iterations, you will refresh your cafe world and see the increase in experience and cash!

*Note Charles tool can only be used for 30 minutes. You may restart it and run the steps again.

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Tiki Farm Updated Cheats

Tiki Farm EXP and MONEY Latest Cheats

Tools needed:
Flash 10(if not working try flash 9 Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:

Here then the steps to follow:

Steps : Tiki farm Experience hack

1.Enter the game [Link]
2.Open Cheat engine 5.5, Process firefox.exe
3.Setting (Scan Type[4 bytes])
4.Scan your Current Expirience (Watch the video for more detail)
5.Gain some Exp and Next Scan the new Address the 4 and 5 steps until 1 remain
7.when you find the right address, double click and change to "99999"

Steps : Tiki farm Money hack

1.Enter the game [Link]

2.Open Cheat engine 5.5, Process firefox.exe

3.Setting (Scan Type[DOUBLE])

4.Scan your Current Coin

5.Gain or Lose some coin and type the New value, Hit "Next Scan"

6.Do the 4 and 5 steps until 1 remain

7.when you find the right address, double click and change to "99999"

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.

Pet Society Updated Cheats

Pet Society Latest Cheats Hack

Now, there's a way to go about the situation and i'm going to show you how using Cheat Engine 5.5 Latest together with Axife Mouse Recorder. Here are the steps needed:

Firefox 3.5
Axife Mouse Recorder(Download here)
Cheat Engine
Download Link:

1) Download and install both Cheat Engine 5.5 & Axife Mouse Recorder if you do not have it.

2) Launch Cheat Engine 5.5 and follow the steps below.

3) I use IE. If you use Firefox, then select Firefox from the dropdown list in step2.

4) Select "Double" from the dropdown list.You need to find out your Pet's Happiness value. Key it into the "Value" box and and click "First Scan".

5) Go back to your Pet's screen and brush your Pet. Check the new Happiness Value and key it into the "Value" box and click "Next Scan".

6) You will see an address on your left with a declining value. Double click on it and you see another address at the bottom (5). Tick the box. This is to freeze the Happiness Value.

7) Then, double click on the address and a popout will appear. Key in a low value into it and click "OK" to close it. Go back to your Pet's screen and you will see that the Happiness Bar will be lowered to the value you key in earlier. It will remain at that value for as long as it's running.

8) Last, launch Axife Mouse Recorder and set it to run forever at speed 3. Steps here.

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.

Social City Updated Cheats

Social City Money Latest Cheats

You can easily make money in the game you if you have properly build some factories or you can use Social City Cheat Engine that you can see in the link below. In this way you can earn money easily as you can have factories as you level up for more it will available to you. You can provide buildings, fast food restaurants, pubs, ball courts, parks by your citizens. As you city grows the need for leisure also increase in this case you need more of these types of buildings to satisfy your people. You have also a choice to decorate your city with a great design using tiles and add roads too.


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

HERE then follow the steps:

1st Steps in Social City cheats money
-Open your Firefox 2 and Go to your Facebook account

2nd Steps in Social City cheats money
-go to your application in Social City

3rd Steps in Social City cheats and go to Residential to build one log Hut

4th Steps in Social City cheats money
-your cheat engine v5.6 then click process and

5th Steps in Social City cheats
-Find the browser the Firefox.exe next go to Social City

6th Steps in Social City cheats
-and copy the amount of coins in your Social City and go to the 7th Steps in Social City

7th Steps in Social City
-Cheat engine v5.6 and paste your coins in the Value bar

8th Steps in Social City
-and Click First Scan then go to Social City again go to Build click Terrain

9th Steps in Social City
-and buy one spruce row after that you can see your money has deducted

10th Steps in Social City
-base on what you buy any direction of spruce row

11th Steps in Social City
-Copy again the amount of your coins paste it into the Value Bar

12th Steps in Social City
-after that you can see in your cheat engine you can see the FOUND address

13th Steps in Social City
-click that last address then you can see under The FROZEN

14th Steps in Social City
-And Click the screen go to Build again and click leisure buy one basketball court

15th Steps in Social City
-if it Freeze Click the Screen in Social City anywhere and wait for a while the go
16th Steps in Social City
-and check again your coins in Social City

17th Steps in Social City
-you can see that the money has change and its increasing
Hope This will help in your Social City Game
Get Full Version in Social City Cheats.

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.

Ninja Saga Updated Cheats

Ninja Saga Gold and EXP Latet Cheat Hack

Increase your Gold and Experience with this spanking Ninja Saga Gold and Exp Hack. With this Gold and EXP hack for Ninja Saga, you'll advance the game faster than all your friends. So go, do the Ninja Saga Gold and EXP Cheat and dominate the world of Ninja Saga. Follow the steps below:

Steps for Ninja Saga Level Hack


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

1.Open Ninja Saga And Open Cheat Engine (Download Cheat Engine Free here)

2.In the game screen where you select the character open the cheat engine and search "3B0008C25B5E0689", 8 bytes, hex, asroma

3. We will have two results, go to the bottom, right click, dissasemble.

4. In the line that is selected right click toggle break point (Click yes)

5. Go to the game and choose your character.

6. It's going to be stuck

7. We go to cheat engine.

8. Press F9 twice

9. Find xxxxxxx EAX (or something ... what matters is the eax)

10. Double click and Assign Value

11. Put "11A6C"

12. In line we were in the right click and toggle breakpoint.(to remove breakpoint)

13. In the Cheat Engine press F9

14. Now We are level 19.

Steps for Ninja Saga Gold Hack:


Firefox 3.5
Cheat Engine Charles
Download Link:

Steps to follow:

1. Open the Cheat Engine and the Ninja Saga

2. In the ninja saga and we're going to shop and sell something, but stopped just before pressing the button "Sell"

3. Goto cheat engine, we select our browser, we scored and we set speed hack 0

4. Press "Sell" Many times

5. In cheat engine speed hack back to 1

7. That object will be sold many times to click "Sell", but only 1 item will be removed!


Steps to follow:


Cheat Engine 5.5
(Download Link:)

1.Open Cheat engine 5.5

2.Go into Ninja Saga

3.Go to Academy and Click on a skill that has "Training Time - Instant"

4.In C.E, Enable Speedhack and set value to "0"

5.Click the "BUY" 3 times

6.Now click on the skill that you want to learn (a skill that requires Tokens to learn) .

7.Change the Speedhack back to "1"

8.Now go to the ARENA and Challenge your friends and fight them to save the game

9.Refresh the game and you still have the Token Skill

10.Repeat to acquire all the Token skills you want.

Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Cheat

Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Cheat. Strike your enemies in Ninja Saga down with just one hit. This Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill will save you a lot of time and effort. You will breeze through the game like the tough Ninja that you are. To perform the Ninja Saga One Hit Kill Cheat right, you should follow the steps below:


Firefox 3.5
FP10 - Flash Player(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:

Here then the Steps to follow:

1 Go into Ninja Saga and start mission
2 Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe
3 Setting Tick (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)
4 Scan "89065E5BC208003B7B54"
5 1 address should returned
6 Right click the address then Select "Disassemble this memory region"
7 Right click the Selected Code and then select "Toggle Break Point" or Press [F5]
8 Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will now freeze)
9 Go back in CE then Click "Debug" > "Run" 1 time only
10 At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"
11 Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
12 Now your enemy is dead (-;
13 Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.

Treasure Isle Updated Cheats

Treasure Isle Cheat Engine Money Latest Cheat Hack

Tired of doing the guide above, you can use this money hack for an instant super cash and energy. First you need to download free modified version of Treasure Isle Cheat Engine.


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

HERE then follow the steps:

1. In performing the Treasure Isle super money hack first go to your facebook account then log-in

2. then go to Treasure Isle application and go to the island where you will hunt

3. Open the Treasure Isle Cheat Engine Modified Version that you download above then click process

4. Find your browser firefox in the Treasure Isle Cheat Engine Modified Version

5. You can see in your cheat engine the VALUE TYPE Change it to “Double”

6. type your coins number in the VALUE

7. Step in Treasure Isle -Check the small box said “Also scan read only memory” First Scan

8. you can your coins change! next is to

9. repeat again type the coins number that has change

10. Click Next Scan then then you see the “Found tool bar” under it just Click it

11. Click Below that appears UNDER the Frozen table

12. Step in Treasure Isle -change it to 979989 then go to Treasure Isle and Click the screen

13. you can see your coins has Change and continue hunt some items again in the island

14. after that buy all the things you need in Treasure Isle

15. because the money will be save in Treasure Isle Hope This will Help in your Treasure.

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.

Birdland Money Updated Cheats

Birdland Money Latest Cheat Hack


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

Here are Steps to follow:

First Steps, create a cheat facebook account.

Second Steps , on the cheat account, become friends with yourself

Third Steps make a bird land accound on the cheat account.

fourth Steps copy and paste this into your browser:

this will send you the best gift, to yourself.

fifth Steps send as much as possiple to yourself. it will say that you have use up request when you have

sixth Steps return to your regular account, and accept all the gifts.

seventh Steps sell all of them for about 10,000 gold :)

there used to be a gifted alien ship, but they took it off :( it was 3000 for one. i now have 500,000 on birdland :)

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.

Mall World Money Updated Tips and Cheats

Mall World Money Latest Tips and Cheats

Mall World is a Facebook game that allows players to create their own virtual boutique and sell clothes, shoes and handbags. Each virtual shop can be designed by using different wallpapers, rugs, plants, shelves, clothing racks and more. Even the cash register and counter is customizable. Players can also work towards filling their own closet with trendy fashions.

In Facebook's Latest Mall World, the way to earn money is by selling clothes and accessories
. If you're short on cash, read through the tips below to learn how you can earn enough money to create the most glamorous boutique around.


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

Here are steps to follow:

1st Steps in Latest Mall World Cheats Money
-Open your Firefox 2and Go to your Facebook account

2nd Steps in Mall World
-Open the Mall World Application and the Buy one Bag in the Shop

3rd Steps in Mall World
-and Go to your Home then sell the Bag that you buy

4th Steps in Mall World
-Open your Cheat engine v5.6

5th Steps in Mall World
-and Select your Browser Select FireFox.exe

6th Steps in Mall World
-(note : 840FFF85C12AOFF2) Click First Scan

7th Steps in Mall World
-At the Left Side click the First number appear then

8th Steps in Mall World
-Click it go to disassemble memory region nest to Toggle breakpoint

9th Steps in Mall World
-Click ok or yes then there will appear one box name created Processes

10th Steps in Mall World
-And go to Mall World and go to the mall

11th Steps in Mall World
-Shop again and buy one Sandals go to neighbor

12th Steps in Mall World
-when it Freeze and just wait then Press ALT TAB go to cheat engine

13th Steps in Mall World
-Then go to Register Click ECX then change the amount to 99879

14th Steps in Mall World
-Press ok after that go To DEBUG the

15th Steps in Mall World

Note: New tips are being found and added all the time! Be sure to bookmark this page and check back often. In the meantime, if you have a great Mall World tip to share, please comment below!

Buying Inventory and Selling Clothes
When you first start playing Mall World, you'll only have a few basic items available from the default items. Look at the clothes that are available and choose the items that will earn you the most. In the beginning, you might be tempted to stock your store with a bit of this and a bit of that-resist the temptation and buy several of the cheapest items that sell for the most.

For example, one of the first collections available is the "Black Rose Collection from Godo." The jeans are only $50, they sell for $60. That's a $10 profit on each pair so buy all 5 pairs with your starter cash. By following this technique, you'll double or triple your cash in no time!

Tip: Avoid splurging on expensive decorating items when you first start playing. The cash you spend on the fancy counter will be better spend on stocking your store.

Tip: Items that take longer to deliver are worth more

Tip: Look at the "Total" of 5 items (the max) to the "Retails For" amount. Subtract the total from the retail price for 5. This is your profit. To earn cash quickly, look for items that sell for $100 more than it costs to buy. Do this a few times a day to earn tons of cash!

Tip: Buying clothes for yourself gains experience points, which helps you level up faster!

Tip: Unlock new fashions to find higher priced items and items that will retail for more.

Just visit on the latest facebook game updated cheat/hack.