Happy Pets MILLION COIN Latest Cheats
Flash Player 10(Adobe Flash Download here)
Firefox 3.5
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:
Here then the steps to follow:
1. Go to Happy Pet and Click the "Pig" money box
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and choose firefox as process
3. Setting Tick (Hex, 8bytes, ASROM)
4. Scan address 01E1840FFC5D89E8
5. 1 address should returned
6 Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
7. Copy the address, and paste it to Patiniox generator on 1st box
8. Scan address 8B08488BC62A0FF
9. 1 address should returned
10. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
11. Copy the address , and paste it to Patiniox generator on 2nd box
12. Now , choose your amount of money that you want , then click "Enviar"
13. Go Back to Cheat Engine then Hit (Memory Viewer)
14. Click "Tools" and select "Auto Assembly"
15. Now paste it ( CTRL +V )
16. Click "Execute" → "Yes" → "Ok"
17. Back to Happy Pets , Every time you click "Pig" money box, you will gain coins.
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