Mega Man 10 Latest Cheat Codes
Hint: Infinite Energy Capsules
If you need more health or weapon energy, and there’s a place on any given stage where there’s a capsule sitting there for you to grab, you can easily make it reappear. Simply scroll off of the screen (preferably to another part of the stage), and then backtrack to the previous location where the capsule was located. Doing so will make the health or weapon energy capsule reappear. Repeat this process as needed to refill your health and weapon energy.
Colin Moriarty
Hint: Thunder Beam Trick
There’s an interesting glitch in the game when using Elec Man’s weapon, the Thunder Beam. If you shoot it and then press Select (to pause the game), you’ll allow the beam to strike an enemy more than once. Press Select constantly as a beam is shot, and a lone Thunder Beam can theoretically kill any enemy with a simple strike (such as Ice Man, the Rock Monster, or Mega Man’s clone). Give it a try. It’s cheap, but extremely effective.
Colin Moriarty
Hint: Boss Order/Weaknesses
The first Mega Man game is like the rest of the classic series, in that when an enemy Robot Master (boss) is defeated, you gain their weapon. Therefore, going through the six Robot Masters in Mega Man in a certain order will work to your advantage. Here is the order we recommend:
Bomb Man - Use Mega Buster (also weak to Fire Storm)
Guts Man - Use Hyper Bombs
Cut Man - Use Super Arm and Mega Buster
Elec Man - Use Rolling Cutters
Ice Man - Use Thunder Beam*
Fire Man - Use Ice Slasher
After defeating the original six Robot Masters, you’ll gain access to Dr. Wily’s fortress. Here, you will run into more bosses, and knowing their weaknesses will also help you out.
Rock Monster - Use Thunder Beam*
Mega Man Clone - Use Thunder Beam*
Bubble Machine - Use Mega Buster and Super Arm
Dr. Wily (1) - Use Fire Storm
Dr. Wily (2) - Use Thunder Beam*
* - See the associated hint called Thunder Beam Trick for especially easy skills.
Hint: Infinite Energy Capsules
If you need more health or weapon energy, and there’s a place on any given stage where there’s a capsule sitting there for you to grab, you can easily make it reappear. Simply scroll off of the screen (preferably to another part of the stage), and then backtrack to the previous location where the capsule was located. Doing so will make the health or weapon energy capsule reappear. Repeat this process as needed to refill your health and weapon energy.
Colin Moriarty
Hint: Thunder Beam Trick
There’s an interesting glitch in the game when using Elec Man’s weapon, the Thunder Beam. If you shoot it and then press Select (to pause the game), you’ll allow the beam to strike an enemy more than once. Press Select constantly as a beam is shot, and a lone Thunder Beam can theoretically kill any enemy with a simple strike (such as Ice Man, the Rock Monster, or Mega Man’s clone). Give it a try. It’s cheap, but extremely effective.
Colin Moriarty
Hint: Boss Order/Weaknesses
The first Mega Man game is like the rest of the classic series, in that when an enemy Robot Master (boss) is defeated, you gain their weapon. Therefore, going through the six Robot Masters in Mega Man in a certain order will work to your advantage. Here is the order we recommend:
Bomb Man - Use Mega Buster (also weak to Fire Storm)
Guts Man - Use Hyper Bombs
Cut Man - Use Super Arm and Mega Buster
Elec Man - Use Rolling Cutters
Ice Man - Use Thunder Beam*
Fire Man - Use Ice Slasher
After defeating the original six Robot Masters, you’ll gain access to Dr. Wily’s fortress. Here, you will run into more bosses, and knowing their weaknesses will also help you out.
Rock Monster - Use Thunder Beam*
Mega Man Clone - Use Thunder Beam*
Bubble Machine - Use Mega Buster and Super Arm
Dr. Wily (1) - Use Fire Storm
Dr. Wily (2) - Use Thunder Beam*
* - See the associated hint called Thunder Beam Trick for especially easy skills.